Serial clicker


This piece of code can make someone laugh and the other cry at the same time!

What it does?

How to deploy?

* Open the executable on victim's system. No extra installation required to run the executable
* Open the python file if the victim has all required libraries installed

The executable for windows can be located in the dist/ directory

How to install requirements:

pip install tkinter
pip install pyautogui

Install using bash script

Run the following command in linux terminal or git bash bash ./

Technologies used:

Libraries used

Create your own executable

pip install pyinstaller
cd script_folder
pyinstaller                       //for executable with dependencies
pyinstaller --onefile             //standalone executable file with terminal
pyinstaller --onefile -w          //standalone executable without terminal

The executable will be located in the script_folder/dist directory
To create a setup use NSIS open source software
To compress the exe significantly use strip.exe then UPX