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Corona-Scraper is a live monitoring tool useful for vigilants and medical staffs which is capable of tracking the COVID-19 global pandemic.



The features marked star are currently in development stage

User Interface:



How the project idea evolved:

During the lockdown period, I was looking for some python projects, specifically in the web scraping domain. All the projects that I came through on the web were mostly related to scraping tweets from twitter or some random html from dummy websites or stuff more or less similar to the formers. Then the idea of scraping websites for data of COVID-19 effected countries crossed my mind. Although websites did great at serving the information to people on the web, a desktop application would go a step further by providing information at your desktop. Moreover, it would be helpful if it could work offline.


Technologies used:

How to install requirements:

Create your own executable

pip install pyinstaller
cd script_folder
pyinstaller                       //for executable with dependencies
pyinstaller --onefile             //standalone executable file with terminal
pyinstaller --onefile -w          //standalone executable without terminal

The executable will be located in the script_folder/dist directory
To create a setup use NSIS open source software
To compress the exe significantly use strip.exe then UPX
